Friday 11 October 2024

Career Talk @ Westwood Primary School

It has been a while since my last post! 

I promise i will keep you posted more often !!! 

Here i share with you my new experience on Monday 😃. 

In the past, I used to do Nutritional Immunology health talks but on Monday I did my first career talk to P6 students at a primary school in the west 😃 

What excited me most was the interaction with the students, and being able to open up their perspective on successful people mindset through my story - how I regained the remote control from being an employee to become the Master of my Destiny as an Entrepreneur ☺🙏

There was a boy, he told me he wanted to work in 7-11, I asked him why? He said because he likes to shop in 7-11. It’s very straightforward isn’t it? 

From the conversation with him, i was thinking what’s the best gift we can give to our kids so they have freedom of choice? 

The answer is very simple - to take good care of ourselves first - mentally, physically & financially, so that we don’t hold our child back.

So everyone of us must stay committed to be Healthier Wealthier & Happier to witness the growth of our younger generation 💪💪💪

I would like to invite you to embark on this journey of Excellence Lifestyle to learn, how you can lead you and your family towards being Healthier, Wealthier and Happier, to Create your Tomorrow is Better Than Today 🙌🙌🙌

Register for MMS 2025 now, join us on MMS open house on 5th Nov 2024 8pm via zoom before we begin our first class in January 2025



Your Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Did you know that about 6 people are diagnosed with kidney failure everyday in Singapore?

Did u know that about 6 people are diagnosed with kidney failure everyday in Singapore? 

Did you know that diabetes and hypertension are the leading causes of kidney failure? 

What will be the impact of kidney failure in the next 50years?

Don't be part of the kidney failure statistics, take charge of your kidney health today! 

Above are the message from NKF Singapore. 

Take care of our kidney, our organ's health starts from right health knowledge and right health food.

Thankfully for the dedicated R&D by Dr.Chen, this year we have the new NI food called Oil Oli.

Oli Oli is made up by 3 simple ingredients but very beneficial for our body especially kidney and heart, they are Olive Leaf, Black Gojiberry and Red Dates.

You can read the benefits of each ingredients in the picture below:

It is a definitely good news for me as blood counts have been on lower side, other than Vegaplex now Oli Oli is my new favourite NI food, as really can feel the anti-inflammatory effects and more energetic too!

Tips to make OliOli - mix with hot water - drink it hot as tea or u can add ice later. As the olive leaf is to nourish our kidney, OliOli really quench the thirst during the recent hot weather!

Feel free to contact me to understand more about OliOli!


Monday 7 August 2023

Congratulations to Dr EE for her new book : Educate Act Thrive For The Immune System

After 3 years of great efforts, finally Dr.EE launched her first book Educate Act Thrive For The Immune System on 5th Aug 2023 at Zall Bookstore at Wheelock Place.

Heartfelt congratulations to DR EE, because of her effort we get to understand and apply the valuable health knowledge without making expensive mistake.

Copied out from Editor's note here:

"We want to bring you a book that breaks the barrier between scientific research and public knowledge. Much of what many of us know about our health comes from two places:
- that dusty little area in our brain where we crammed away soon-to-be forgotten tidbits of information the night before that high school biology exam.
- that questionable-source-first-link-ad-supported-webpage during our quick search on all health-related inquiries. 

Suffice to say, we do not think that is enough, given how important our health is, and how it permeates practically every aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, most health information and much of the new research and development is too difficult to understand. We would like to remedy that carry knowledge out of those mysterious depths and into the light of day.

We hope this book can help you uncover the truths about health and nutrition. They are presented in a way that is comfortable and digestible so that the book will not finish its life collecting digital dust (or real dust on your self). We have a lofty mission to touch lives, to share the gifts of health and knowledge with mankind. our only hope is that this book represents a worthy step along that journey."

Above is the purpose of this book, grab your copy from bookstores in SG, it's a must have in every family.


Sunday 18 September 2022

Want to say goodbye to oily face? You need Fog Moisturizer

Do you know skin is our largest organ? Hence, not only the food we eat in, the skincare we use on our skin has to be SAFE too.

For me, with chemical engineering as my background, SAFETY is always my outmost concern!

Thankful to founder of the science of Nutritional Immunology Dr. Chen, for her effort in continuously R& D and launch Elemente skincare series.💓💓

Other than the recent PlusO2 Hair Scalp Balance,

I am so excited to share with you the latest Elemente Skin Care - Fog Moisturizer.

A video speaks more than a thousand words... enjoy :)


Excellence Lifestyle Coach


What is RDA?

Today, let's talk about What is RDA? Why you need to understand before you make any purchase. 


RDA stands for recommended dietary allowance. The Food and Nutrition Board of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine created this general guideline that applies to vitamins and minerals from food. It states how much of a specific nutrient your body needs on a daily basis to avoid illness. For example, if people don’t get enough vitamin D, they may get rickets. If they don’t get enough vitamin B1, then they may get beriberi.


The percent daily value (DV) is a guide to the nutrients present in your food. For example, if a portion of food lists 10% DV for calcium, it means that that portion of food gives you 10% of the calcium you need for the day.


No. You do not need to reach 100% of the DV to be healthy.

The DV is a very general guideline to give us an idea of what we need in a day. It does not take into consideration different individual needs, such as one’s activity levels, whether active or sedentary, physical size, diet, health, or environment. For example, if we get a lot of sun exposure, our bodies will synthesize our own vitamin D, thus, we do not need 100% DV of vitamin D. However, if we do not get any sunlight at all, we might need more vitamin D. Moreover, the DV is based on a calorie intake of 2,000 calories a day for a healthy adult, but depending on our circumstances, we may need more or less calories. In addition, our bodies have stores of some vitamins such as A, D, E and K, so for most of us, we do not need to take in 100% of the DV for all vitamins and minerals.


The vitamin and mineral values are not always accurate.

Each wholesome food has a different composition, and every batch of food may be different. Natural wholesome foods differ in nature. That’s why natural and wholesome fruits and vegetables themselves—the best foods—simply do not have nutrition labels.


For many foods, the nutritional content changes, or leeches out, with time and exposure. For example, vitamin C is easily lost when exposed to air. Many manufacturers will add artificial synthesized vitamins into their products to boost the DV so that their products seem better. For example, ascorbic acid is often added to artificially boost vitamin C content, and costs as little as $3.50 a kilogram—enough to give 45 people sufficient vitamin C for a year.


The manufacturing process plays a large role in preserving nutrients. Wholesome foods should be either frozen or dried to preserve the natural nutrients. If the product is in liquid form, good manufacturers will fill the remaining space in the product with nitrogen, not oxygen, to prevent nutrient leaching.


No. Relying solely on vitamins and minerals cannot help us maintain normal body functions. If we take in only vitamins and minerals, we may survive for a while but not for long. Hence experts recommend eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. In addition to vitamins and minerals, wholesome plants are packed with other nutrients, such as phytochemicals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides, most of which scientists haven’t even discovered yet.


Wholesome plants contain a variety of phytochemicals, polysaccharides, and other nutrients, most of which scientists haven’t even discovered yet.


Yes, taking too many manmade vitamins can harm your health, and there is a possibility of overdose. Evidence shows that too much of a vitamin can cause a variety of health issues, including cancer.

Taking isolated, concentrated minerals creates physiological imbalances in the body. Multiple studies have demonstrated that taking such vitamins (beta-carotene, folic acid, and vitamin E) increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, and death.

The American Association for Cancer Research looked at research of over 300,000 people in one of their annual meetings in 2015. They found that: selenium could increase the chances of getting non-melanoma skin cancer; vitamin E could increase the chances of prostate cancer; beta-carotene could increase the chances of lung cancer; and folic acid could increase the chances of colon cancer. 


Excellence Lifestyle Coach





Sunday 14 August 2022

Where to get quality protein and fiber safely and conveniently in 2 minutes?

Received this highly asked question about: Where and how I ensure my beloved family members starts their day with right healthy breakfast?

So share here again - How to get quality protein and fiber safely and conveniently in 2 minutes?

We are what we think, we are what we eat first. 

Choose wisely - between animal protein vs plant protein :)

Plant vs Animal

Soy myths


Excellence Lifestyle Coach


Can I boost brainpower?

Tomorrow is PSLE oral day! All the best to all PSLE candidates first!

Share with you how I prepare my PSLE girl, from diet and lifestyle.

From lifestyle wise, eg getting out from house to exercise, to get sunlight and fresh air...

From diet wise, 

1. Quality protein and sufficient of fiber intake are important to ensure healthy brain cells and healthy guts.

2. Brain food or brain booster food intake - to ensure kids are able to handle stress well at the same time perform at their best.

3. Last but not least, lots of acknowledgment, encouragement, caring and support from parents, not stress ya!

All the best, all PSLE candidates!

Excellence Lifestyle Coach