Monday 27 December 2021

Big Bench Challenge

What is Big Bench Challenge? 

Watch the video below: 

It was taken during our staycation at Fullerton in Dec school holiday! 

Do try it out with your kids, it is fun and can be creative too :)

Jinny Lim
Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Friday 5 November 2021

Food Allergies

Allergies have a strong connection to the immune system. Food allergies happen when the immune system overreacts to some proteins in the food we eat. Most food allergies are caused by peanuts, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts and cow’s milk. 

Currently, there is no cure for food allergies. The best course of action is to avoid the offending food. Eating more fiber may help reduce the risk and symptoms of food allergies. Research shows that fiber helps promote and protect a healthy gut microbiota population. The gut microbiota works together with the immune system to protect against life-threatening allergic responses.



Tuesday 26 October 2021

Not sick doesn't mean we're healthy

How true it is. 

Often ,we think not sick equals to healthy, but in fact diseases don's happen overnight. This is why we need to nourish our body with plenty of quality protein, disease fighting nutrients ,so it can do Defense, Cleanse and Repair function accordingly.

Have a nice Tuesday.

Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Friday 17 September 2021

Soypro Matcha Mooncake

 Mooncake festival is around the corner! 

When come to mooncake festival, mooncake is definitely a MUST!

Instead of getting the traditional mooncake which is high in calories, we decided to DIY NI Food mooncake :)

First, get a nice mooncake mould :)

Then, get the material ready, and you can DIY anytime! It's not going to take you more than 30mins , so it's really very easy!

If you like to add on your favourite flavours, just go ahead!

Mix the jelly powder and castor sugar and Soypro. For sugar, i cut the amount to half of what indicated on the instruction.

Tada... the end result :)

The green one is with matcha, the brown colour one is with Encore.

With Soypro added into, the mooncake instantly become high in plant based protein, calcium, phytonutrients and fiber!

After I posted in facebook, some has asked can use other NI food instead? Answer is Yes! You can use Soygreen, Phytofit, Berrybeat and so on.... just be creative and have fun :)

What is soypro?

Feel free to contact me to find out more :)

Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Soygreen Waffle - healthier snack for kids

It's school holiday now, means more time with kids at home too :)

I have made adjustment on my schedule too, so can enjoy the school holiday with them.

Yesterday I made Soygreen waffle as snack for them. The Soygreen waffle is idea from one of my fellow Excellence Lifestyle Coach, I have been wanting to try out, till yesterday, finally we made it and it's really super yummy!

It is waffle, but same same but not same ok! Because Soygreen waffle has not only carbo, but full of dietary protein, calcium from wholesome soy, fiber from psyllium husk, and goodness of vegetables from 10 greens!!!

Try it, simple yet nutritious after adding Soygreen!

Feel free to ask me more!

Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Friday 20 August 2021

Plant-based Diets May Lessen COVID-19 Severity

 Recent News

Plant-based Diets May Lessen COVID-19 Severity

Research published in the BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health found that dietary habits play an important role in the severity of COVID-19 infection. In six countries, plant-based diets were associated with lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19. These dietary habits may be considered for protection against severe COVID-19. 

August 2021





Excellence Lifestyle Coach


Follow me on FB & IG too!


IG: jinny_923

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Fiber Fiber and more Fiber!!!

So delighted that my post was selected and featured in eLead Global FB page :)

Regain back Health is definitely one of the biggest gain along my journey as Excellence Lifestyle Coach. & it is achievable for everyone as we are what we eat and to do with our lifestyle.

Our immune system is the best doctor in the world, our job is very simple - to nourish our immune system with the right nutrients in wholesome plant food, together with happy emotion, enough sleep and exercise.

Feel free to connect with me how to regain back your health, by simply start from ensure enough fiber in your daily diet!

Jinny Lim

Excellence Lifestyle Coach


Tuesday 27 July 2021

Recent News: Higher Levels of Omega 3 in the Blood Can Increase Life Expectancy

Higher Levels of Omega-3 in the Blood Can Increase Life Expectancy

Research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that higher levels of omega-3 in red blood cells can increase life expectancy by almost five years! It is estimated that being a regular smoker may shorten life expectancy by 4.7 years. Just a 1% increase in omega-3 in the blood can bring about benefit similar to quitting smoking! Omega-3 can be increased through the diet by eating foods such as kiwi fruit seeds, chia seeds, and fatty fish. 

July 2021

血液中较高水平的 Omega-3 脂肪酸可延长预期寿命

发表在《美国临床营养学杂志》上的研究发现,红细胞中较高水平的 Omega-3脂肪酸可将预期寿命延长近五年!据估计,经常吸烟可能会使预期寿命缩短4.7年。血液中Omega-3脂肪酸的含量仅增加 1%, 就可以产生类似戒烟的助益!可以透过饮食来提升体内的Omega-3脂肪酸水平,这类食物诸如:奇异果籽、鼠尾草籽以及富含脂肪的鱼类等。


Jinny Lim

Excellence Lifestyle Coach


Wednesday 21 July 2021

What is the science of Nutritional Immunology via a video

We always say a picture speaks a thousand words!

What about a video? :)

Let's watch the video below to understand once again What is Nutritional Immunology?

& why must we understand the role of our immune system and the link between the food we eat.

Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more about NI.



Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Thursday 15 July 2021

Artificial Sweeteners Can Cause Healthy Gut Bacteria to Become Pathogenic

 Good health = Right health knowledge + Right food

It takes wisdom to avoid nutrition misconception :)


Artificial Sweeteners Can Cause Healthy Gut Bacteria to Become Pathogenic

New research shows that popular artificial sweeteners, such as saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame, can cause healthy gut bacteria to become pathogenic. At a concentration equivalent to two cans of diet soft drink, the artificial sweeteners can lead to:
• gut bacteria invading and damaging the intestine, increasing the risk of infection, sepsis, and multiple-organ failure, and
• the increased formation of biofilms, which leads to more toxins secreted and greater antibiotic resistance.

June 2021


• 肠道细菌入侵并破坏肠道,增加肠道感染、败血症和多重器官衰竭的发生风险,以及
• 生物膜的增生,从而导致更多的毒素分泌和更高的抗生素耐药性。


Tuesday 29 June 2021

I am Jinny. I am an Excellence Lifestyle Coach.

I am Jinny. I am an Excellence Lifestyle Coach.

7 years ago, I chose to Live Life with Design, not by Default. I took back the remote control from my boss, from a senior chemical engineer to Excellence Lifestyle Coach now 😃 💝
As Excellence Lifestyle Coach, I have control over how I work. I operate my anti-fragile business Anytime, Anywhere and Anyone.

I don't take order from anyone. There's no boss to tell me how much money I can make, no boss to put a price tag on me. No one can determine my value, except myself.


My mission is to help people around me to realise they do have a choice to be Healthier , Wealthier and Happier, to lead them to an Excellence tomorrow.
“There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you.” ~ John Wooden
Are you ready to take the remote control back & make a change to create your Tomorrow is better than Today?
Together we stay Healthier, Wealthier and Happier!

Share with you my Excellence Lifestyle Coach journey, watch the video below:

Jinny lim
Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Thursday 17 June 2021

Eating whole fruits may reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Recent News: Eating Whole Fruits May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk

People often think diabetics should avoid fruits since fruits are sweet. However, research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism shows that those who eat a moderate to high amount of fruits on a regular basis have better glucose tolerance, better insulin sensitivity, and a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The researchers found no association between fruit juice intake and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. This could be because nearly all the fiber from fruit was removed during fruit juice processing. #eLEADRecentNews

伊環球健康新聞: 攝取完整的水果可以降低罹患2-型糖尿病的風險

Thursday 13 May 2021

What are Phytochemicals? What is cactus?

What are Phytochemicals?

How does cactus helps you? 

What other benefits does cactus have? 

Do contact me for further details. 

Excellence Lifestyle Coach 

What are Polysaccharides?

What is my immune system?

What does ur consist of?

Can my immune system be replaced?

What happens if my immune system malfunction?

What are Polysaccharides?

Do contact me for further details. 

Take care of your body & it will take care of you. 

Excellence Lifestyle Coach 

All about Protein

What is Protein?
Do I lack of Protein?
How much Protein do I need?

Find your answer here:
Do contact me for further details 😃.

Excellence Lifestyle Coach 

Does Sugar cause Cancer?

Does Sugar cause cancer?
Does Sugar cause diabetic? 

Read the following articles!

Remember the type of Sugar matters. 

Feel free to contact me to learn more on the correct health wisdom!

Excellence Lifestyle Coach 

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Can eczema be cured?

 Eczema is the most common skin condition in Singapore, I believe with Covid 19 pandemic, it has become common in other countries too due to increase usage of hand sanitizer, mental stress due to movement control and etc.

Eczema has been one of the very common issues which me and my team handle frequently. And we are glad that with the understanding on what cause eczema, treatment vs cure, the relationship between the food we eat and our immune system, we had helped many recover / seen huge improvement on their skin without relying on steroid or anti histamine medication.

99% of illnesses are caused by immune system malfunction, including auto immune diseases. Hence, what we need to do is to give the right food to nourish our immune system plus exercise, emotion and rest, to bring our immune system back to a healthy and balanced state.

With the correct understanding and approach, results do follows:

Share a few recent happy testimonials here:

Immune system is the best doctor in the world, by giving the right disease fighting nutrients in form of  wholesome plant food, your immune system is able to do Defense, Cleanse and Repair functions accordingly, hence address any root cause.

This is the different between cure vs treatment.

Feel free to contact me if you would like to find out more how to help one with eczema via food.

Excellence Lifestyle Coach
Mobile: 92963562

Wednesday 3 February 2021

February Promo :)

 February is also month of holiday/festive - eg Chinese New year, Valentines day

With the holidays come - what to expect - - big meals, the inevitable drink, non stop snack. 😅
Thankfully company has come out a solution for us timely 🤩🤩 - wrap up your holiday indulgences with this elead Holiday Meal Set 😃

What is Holiday Meal Set about? 👇
Fibertalk - line a layer of fiber before big meal to prevent absorption of fats & cholesterol.
Berrybeat - nourish liver, take care cholesterol level.
Raisintree - Protect liver, prevent hangover & drunk 🥂

Let's stay safe & not putting on weight after the festive season together 😃✌️

PM me to get your set of Holiday Meal set today!

Excellence Lifestyle Coach