Monday 18 September 2017

How seriously do you take DIABETES? How to be free from diabetes medication?

It was an honour to be invited by company to do sharing on the topic of diabetes on last Thursday :)

The event is called Look Good Feel Great event, company organised it once a month, on last Thursday the topic was Diabetes, and it was in Mandarin.

Few of my customers requested me to share with them in English, so i think it will be good to share with all of you as well in English.

1 in 9 Singaporeans has diabetes; problem 'very serious', says PM Lee

Now in Singapore, 1 in 9 has diabetes!

And according to forecast, Singaporeans may have a 1 in 2 chance of dveloping Type II diabetes in their lifestime by 2050!

Understand Diabetes:

Diabetes - if left unattended or poorly managed, it may wreak havoc on the body, affecting everything from vision to sexual function, mental health and sleep. It is also one of the leading causes of blindness , amputations, nerve damage and kidney failure, and can increase heart attack and stroke risk.

There are 3 types of diabetes -

1. Type I - auto-immune disease where body unable to self-produced insulin
2. Type II - lack of exercise and obesity are key factors to Type II diabetes, which is caused of insulin resistance. Type II diabetes it accounts up to 90% of the cases in Singapore.
3. Gestational diabetes

Diet for Diabetes:

Is it enough for a diabetes to simply avoid sugary foods? The answer is No.

Carbohydrates is the main culprits behind rising blood sugar levels. Because they are rapidly digested into glucose, carbohydrates are synonymous with sugar. Fruits, starchy vegetables like potatoes, bread and rice all contain carbohydrates. Therefore it is not only sugary foods that lead to a rise in blood sugar levels, food like white rice that contain carbohydrates also cause blood sugar levels to go up.

It is recommended that diabetes have moderate amounts of carbohydrates and choose high-fiber foods with a low GI index.

How to be free from diabetes medication?

The key to diabetes prevention lies with a person's daily lifestyle. It is very important to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and maintain a healthy body weight on a day to day basis for the long term.

1. Consume sufficient amounts of fiber
Choose wholesome, high-fiber plant foods. High-fiber foods like psyllium husk and bran are low GI foods that cause a lower and more gradual rise in blood sugar levels. They regulate the body's absorption of glucose to maintain stable blood sugar levels and increase a person's insulin sensitivity so as to effectively control blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.

Furthermore, fiber does not contribute any calories. Fiber rich foods are also relatively low in calories. They increase satiety and curb appetite, doing their part to help maintain a healthy body weight and prevent obesity.

2. Watch one's diet
Stay way from foods that are fatty and high in calories; consume lots of wholesome plant foods. Foods that are rich in phytochemicals are helpful for increasing the body's immunity in a balanced way

Raw, steamed and boiled foods as well as salads are recommended. Avoid deep-frying, stir-frying and pan-frying.

3. Maintain healthy body weight
Insulin resistance is due to excess fat inside our body, so actually diabetes can be prevented so long we maintain our weight, do more exercise to get rid of excess fats build up in our body.

What wholesome plant food is good for diabetes?

 1. Bitter gourd 
- well known for its ability to lower blood glucose levels
- antidiabetic benefits
- contains compounds like polypeptide-P, charatin, and vicine which improved blood sugar levels both by increasing glucose uptake and by increasing glycogen synthesis in various locations in the body

2. Ginseng
- Ginseng is another plant food that has benn found to help balance blood sugar levels.
- increases cells' sensitivity to insulin as well as the actual secretion of insulin.

3. Dietary Fiber - psyllium husk & wheat bran
- the best diet for lowering type 2 diabetes and heart disease risk includes foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol as well as plenty of fruits, vegetables and grain products that contain dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber.
- psyllium husk can promote bowel movement and reduce blood cholesterol levels, control the rise of blood sugar levels, and prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It can lower down total and LDL cholesterol, helping to reduce heart disease risk.

4. Phytochemicals - Acelora cherries & blueberries
- diabetics have lowered immunity, so their ability to fight against diseases and infections is rather  weak.
- high phytochemicals wholesome plants help us to fight against free radical damage. \
- nourish the body, boost immunity & maintain health.

In addition, diabetics should include different types of mushrooms in their diet to increase their intake of polysaccharides. Polysaccharides can help increase the body's ability to fight disease.

With the right knowledge, we are able to keep disease at bay!

With the right convenience, we are able to be prevent diabetes, or for those who has Type II diabetes - be free from diabetes medication in a minute!

As a safe & convenience option, you can go for the combination of Stay D & EverStay D!

Stay D is made up by Bitter Melon, Ginseng, Bluberries & Acelora Cherry in wholesome form, you can choose to DIY or go for Stay D as a convenience.

If you don't have blood sugar level problem, like me, me and my family taking Everstay D and Vegecolor as our healthy breakfast :)

Feel free to pm me for more info!

Update on 26 Feb 2018:
Received awesome sharing from a customer:
NI food provide a convinience for us to nourish our immune system effectively, as a result  we get to regain our health in an easy way too :), most importantly as NI food is food, not supplement, so no side effect too :).

Nourish our body with plenty of disease fighting nutrients i.e. antioxidants, phytochemicals, & polysaccarides in a wholesome form of fruits & vegetables, that's how we can stay healthy, stay away from chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, aging and even cancer.

Excellent Lifestyle Trainer

Saturday 16 September 2017

Happy saturday - kids learned to buy vegetables from market.

After breakfast, Jie Jie said she wants to have corns as her lunch. So I said: Do you want to buy the corns yourself?

And here is her first experience to buy vegetables from a vege stall :)

Let kids know the value of each items, so that they will know the value of money and learn to manage it!

Happy saturday & grab each opportunity to teach your kids :)

Excellent Lifestyle Trainer

Tuesday 12 September 2017

I am still young, do I have to worry about CANCER?

Interesting topic isn't it?

Should we take health for granted or start prevention while we are young and healthy?

Research shows that a diet containing at least 400grams of fruits and vegetables a day can reduce the risk of arious types of cancer. It can also reduce the risk of other health conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes and stroke. 

In conclusion we need a healthy lifestyle, complete with a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and regular exercise to stay healthy.

Do contact me to find out on what wholesome health food can prevent cancer in a minute!

Excellent Lifestyle Trainer

Monday 4 September 2017

Upcoming Dr.Chen & Dr.EE's talk before end of 2017

We are honoured to have Dr.EE to be in SG on 21st Sept. The talk will be conducted in English.

This will be the last health talk by Dr.Chen in 2017 in SG. Language is in Mandarin.
PM me for more ticket info ya.

Excellent Lifestyle Trainer