Wednesday 18 March 2015

28 vegetebales in 5 different colours ; 381 pesticide tests; perfect soloution for fussy eater

28 Vegetables in 5 different colours

381 pesticides tests

Perfect solution for fussy eater and adults too - who always eat outside - just sprinkle on the food and u will get enough of vegetables intake!!!

How to enjoy VegeColours?

Just sprinkle on your food - it's best to eat it dry...

or make it into waffle or noodle!

In fact, vegetables is best to eat it raw.


Thursday 12 March 2015

Can supplements help to prevent cancer?

Another excellent article from Today newspaper.

One third of ALL CANCER linked to poor diet and lack of physical activity.

SINGAPORE — Every day, about 33 Singaporeans are diagnosed with cancer, which is the leading cause of death here.

Despite the statistics, it is possible to make lifestyle choices that lower cancer risks. For instance, one-third of all cancers have been linked to a poor diet and insufficient physical activity, which are changeable risk factors for cancer, said Dr Lim Siew Eng, associate director (clinical — education) and senior consultant at the Department of Haematology-Oncology at the National University Cancer Institute, Singapore.
What you eat can make a difference in cancer prevention and this is a choice that everyone can make on a daily basis, said Dr Lim. Here are some ways to lower cancer risk at every meal.
1. Processed and red meat

These meats are the contributing cause of colorectal cancer — the most common cancer in Singapore — as well as other cancers such as stomach, breast, endometrium and oesophagus cancer, said Ms Esther Lin, dietitian at National University Hospital (NUH).

Cured and processed meats such as bacon, sausages, ham, spam, corned beef and tinned meat also increase colorectal cancer risk.

“When these meats are consumed on a regular basis, your risk of colorectal cancer would increase, even if they are consumed in small amounts,” said Mr Won Tin Chiang, senior dietitian at National Healthcare Group Polyclinics.

Ms Lin explained that carcinogens are produced when meat is cooked at high temperatures or by charcoal grilling.

“Processed meats are preserved by salting, smoking, curing or the addition of chemical compounds (nitrates and nitrites), which cause the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines,” said Ms Lin. Nitrosamines damage cells and may lead to the development of cancer.

Choose wisely:

Lower your cancer risk by including more fruit and vegetables, which are rich in dietary fibre, in your diet. Have at least two servings of each daily. According to Ms Lin, fruit and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, fibre, sterols and antioxidants that may help prevent cancer.

“Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids and other phytochemicals, are thought to protect normal cells against damage from oxidative stress,” she said.

Dr Lim explained that phyto-chemicals are chemicals that occur naturally in plants. “They provide the colour, taste and smell, influence chemical processes in the body, and are the cancer fighters in our food,” he said.

To reap the benefits of these cancer-fighting nutrients, be sure to eat vegetables and fruit of all colours, advised Dr Lim. Examples include broccoli, kai lan, banana, pineapple, blueberries, brinjal, carrot, orange, tomato and red capsicum.

All of the above are aligned with what Nutritional Immunology is advocating!

Wholesome is the key, we should get the disease fighting nutrients from wholesome plant food rather than extracted or isolated or synthetic vitamins/nutrients which can prevent diseases at all.

Wholesome VS synthetic:

 What's more, SAFETY is most important!

In order to prevent diseases, we have to eat fruits and vegetables, but most of the people can't meet the quantity required due to hectic lifestyle. If you can eat enough quantity of greens, what about the variety and colours?

Over here, we have 28types of vegetables in form of : wholesome + convenience + safe 

We are what we eat, be a wise consumer to stay healthy!

Feel free to contact me!


Tuesday 10 March 2015

How to prepare 28types of vegetables in a minute!

Super excited when VegColor is finally launched!

As we all know the importance of eating vegetables, not just eat and has to ensure we eat enough of quantity i.e. 500grams per day and variety also.

Some of my customers do feedback to me it's tedious to prepare as need to ensure no chemical or pesticide residue on the vegetables and fruits, and some kids they don't really eat much greens. Even if they do eat, but maybe just limit to broccoli or spinach, that's all.

For how to solve the pesticides residue problem, I used VegWash, it's water based with no chemical and effective to wash off pesticide residue.

For how to prepare 28 types of different colours vegetables in a minute, now I have this: ta da.... Vegecolours!

How to consume?

Either sprinkle on food or

Mix into noodle or

or mix into waffle

  and JX and JY are enjoying :)

VegeColor save lots of my time in term of preparing and feeding, as it taste yummy!!!

What's more we can rest assured as Dr.Chen has helped to safeguard us from all the harmful chemical or heavy metal or pesticides residue yet made into such a convenient way!

For example, in the morning other than Nutrifresh, I always wanted to introduce greens into their breakfast but really don't know how. Now I can add Vegecolours into bread or waffle...

Now, let's zoom into the ingredients:
Look, amazing isn't it? All are in wholesome form, no additive at all!!!

On top of that, don't forget our manufacturer received Grade A Food Safety Excellent Award for consecutively 11 years!

Want to know more?

Either you read here or welcome to our Product launching talk on 15th March 2015 at RWS.


Update on 12 March 2015:

Tried to cook porridge with VegeColours, it taste nice too and well accepted by JY :0

More recipe:

Sunday 1 March 2015

Live With Dr.Chen Chapter 1 2015!

How many of you feel people nowadays fall sick more easily?

Such as cancer, hypertension, heart diseases or diabetes.Despite of medical advancement and abundance of health information available everywhere, why the diseases rate still continue to increase? What are the causes?

Yes, a lot of people keep asking "What happen to our medical advancement? What went

We must be clear of the role of medical advancement, Medical advancement is important as it may help to prolong life, but medical advancement CANNOT HELP TO PREVENT DISEASES or IMPROVE OUR QUALITY OF LIFE.

How many of you agree our modern lifestyle affects our health?

From environment pollutions to what we put into our body everyday and also our hectic lifestyle today cause our health suffers.
Do you want to learn how to safeguard our health with correct health knowledge? if yes, do come and join us in learning the correct health knowledge to safeguard our health with world renowed Nutritional Immunologist Dr. Jau Fei Chen! Ticket is limited, do reserve your ticket with me ASAP!
