Thursday 19 May 2022

Healthy hair scalp from PlusO2 Scalp Balance!

A good news to share with you all!

Finally we have our very first hair scalp product :). When come to skin, hair scalp is part of our biggest organ too, so naturally we wanted to only use the safe hair care product to protect it.

Tada.... Proudly to present the latest Elemente product - PlusO2 Scalp Balance which able to promote healthy hair scalp 🎉🎉🎉
A Healthy hair scalp means it's free from itchiness, flakiness, acne, bumps and excessive hair loss. I am excited to be one of the first few to get to try the PlusO2 Scalp Balance before the official launching 💝🙏, & way more excited as able to share with my beloved mother of course 💝💝💝
Click the link below and watch the video to understand more.

Why we need to look after our hair scalp?

What are the main ingredients of PlusO2 Scalp Balance?

What are the feedback we received so far?

Do you want to have healthy hair scalp too?
What can a healthy hair scalp do for you?

Come experience yourself!

Feel free to contact me to find out more!

Excellence Lifestyle Coach