Wednesday 9 December 2020

Can cancer be cured? Part III - Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer

 Blessed that able to be a Health Solution Provider via the science of Nutritional Immunology.

Share with you another good news from one of my walk in client on his recovery from Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer.

I met him in EE office May 2019, he truly understands We are What We Eat, so other than going for chemotherapy, he knew our body still needs food, needs nutrients, (in fact needs more nutrient as chemotherapy is very damaging to our body) that's how he found the science of Nutritional Immunology online and walk in to EE office wanted to purchase NI food.

After taking NI food for a month, he was so happy to start seeing his immune system is working hard for him ❤️
Ulcer is one of the very common Chemo side effects, blessed with NI food he was recovering well.
2 months later, minimal side effects. In fact put on weight becoz of eating Healthy Breakfast Soypro πŸ˜ƒ
What is more heartening is He started to pay it forward, share what he knows with ppl around him :).
& his beloved family of course πŸ’
May 2020, he shared with me his CT scan results all cleared πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘.

I am so blessed that able to extend the NI solution to him, in fact is to anyone who wants to be healthy via a wisdom, via technology πŸ’

Feel free to contact me to find our more how NI food able to help us to stay healthy, free from medication!

Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Follow me on FB & IG too!
IG: jinny_923

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