Thursday 1 September 2016

Zika virus, TB made a comback, what's next? and How?

Do you agree our health is being threatened day by day?

From Haze, to regular HFMD, seasonal flu to now Zika virus & even TB made a come back.

What will be the next?

As we know that antibiotic is a man-made antibody, which is only applicable to fight off bacteria, not virus.
What makes it worst, is that when antibiotics are not taken correctly, it would lead to the bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics and become a superbug.
Diseases like Dengue, HFMD – there is no medication because it’s due to viral infection, how do you think ourselves or our child can recover?

What can we do to protect our health?

The only way I can think of is to get ourselves prepared!

From influenza, viruses to chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer, our best defence falls back to our army within us, within our body, who protect us 24/7!

That's why we really need to take care the health of our immune system because it's the best defence we have against any disease.

Do you know what can our immune system do for us?

There's nothing called "instant cure", we need to nourish ourselves on a daily basis.

I am blessed to know the science of Nutritional Immunology, not only I can safeguard the health of my family and beloved one easily, I am blessed as I now able to provide a solution to people around me.

Do contact me to understand more on how to stay away from diseases through plant food.


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