Thursday 8 October 2015

Retrenchment risk VS Ultimate freedom lifestyle

Time flies! We are into the last quarter of year 2015!

I am really excited as so many events/activities are awaiting for me.

Pushcart in Oct & Dec, Genting Achiever Congress, health talk at cancer prevention society, Xi An incentive trip, Live with Dr.Chen and Award Presentation!

It’s way too different from my previous engineer lifestyle!

I was having lunch with my ex-collogue yesterday and leant about my last company is exercising don’t know the 3rd or 4th retrenchment since early of this year.

I can’t imagine if I still working as engineer in my last company. If I stay on, I probably will live in anxiety as worried when is my turn to get retrenched.

My fren, if you’re being retrenched without a backup plan, what will happened to you and your family?

What if you get retrenched at middle age, eg 40 years old where your children still in secondary and you need money the most to serve your housing loan, utilities bill, living expenses,  elderly medical expenses, and etc ?

Can you feel how depressed and frustrated you will be by then?

Of course, there will still be plenty of jobs available. But can you easily get back your job position, your salary and benefits that match your previous job package?

Who will be most affected?  

Yes, it’s our family again!

This is the facts of life, we must keep asking ourselves,

Do you think 1 person working is too risky for you?

Even you have job today, things still look fine and that there's nothing to worry about. Don't fall for that temporary comfort zone happy state. Because, day in day out, you're still facing the 3 risks - Health risk, accident risk and job risk.

Do you plan your contingency  plan?

WHAT IF, one of the risk happens to you, what would you do?

Have you prepare yourself and equip yourself for what might happen so that you still enjoy your quality lifestyle?

It's important for you to be prepared, otherwise you will become a victim.  A small leak can sink a ship or a huge wave can destroy it equally well.

If you are looking out from your current position or looking for business opportunity, do not hesitate to contact me.
Let me share the HFF franchise business model proposal with you.

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