Received queries from parents on how I maintain health of my family members through the science of NI and also what was my diet like during pregnancy.
I will cover my wholesome diet during pregnancy in the next blog.
Do you agree day in day out our health is being threatened by our modern lifestyle?
Take a look on the picture below:

Exposure to free radical, unhealthy lifestyle & diet, do you agree with me we will expose to at least one or two on the list despite how hard we tried.
Do you know exposure to free radical, it's inevitable in our modern lifestyle nowadays, and it caused our immune system aged faster?
Unhealthy lifestyle & diet in fact affect the health of our digestive system & liver.
So by knowing the threats we are exposing to day in day out, I am blessed with NI knowledge, it's easy for me to look after my family's health safely & conveniently!
1. To tackle exposure to free radical challenge or to delay aging, I use Oxyginberry:
Basically my whole family including my mother and my mother-in-law are taking Oxyginberry daily.
So what is Oxyginberry and why must be Oxyginberry?
Actually reason very simple - Oxyginberry contains the 3 disease-fighting nutrients which our body need, in other word - Oxyginberry is the best food for our immune system.
Some parents thought Oxyginberry is best food for kids, in fact it's best food for all ages.
To recap:
Oxyginberry is an
Organic, Wholesome and Non-genetically Modified immune super food made by
Cactus, Cactus Fruits, Ginseng Berry, Grape Seed, Rose, Seaweed.
All food are mixed using advanced technology - freeze dried.
Other than what I have shared earlier:
See below for other benefits of each immune super food:
Ginseng Berry
- Most potent antioxidant
- More antioxidant than vitamin C.
- Enhance concentration by increasing blood supply to brain.
- Slow down cell aging
- Improve cell regeneration
- Relieve exhaustion
- Provide calming effect
Cactus and Cactus Fruits
- Excellent phytochemicals and antioxidants
- Prevent DNA damage
- Promotes cell renewal
- Anti-inflammatory properties and being able to speed up wound healing and improves appearance of scars
- Help to improve cholesterol level
- 10,000 types of phytochemicals, detox the chemicals within processed food that we consumed - e.g. msg, preservatives, animal hormones, colouring.
Grape Seed
- Contains oligomeric proanthocyanidin (OPC), a very strong antioxidant.
- 20 times more antioxidant activity than vitamin C and 50 times more antioxidant activity than vitamin E!
- Fight against free radical, and strengthen immune system.
- Aid the absorption of vitamins C and E
- Maintain collagen, reduce skin damage by UV rays, and delay visible signs of ageing for a youthful, radiant appearance.
- Antioxidants and nutrients in rose helps prevent DNA damage
- Promote wound healing
- Improve the skin’s texture and appearance
- Fifty times the amount of antioxidants in lemons, and this high concentration of antioxidants may encourage collagen production
- Combat colds, prevent diseases, and protect against free radical damage.
- Gentle astringent that has cleansing, purifying, softening, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Great skin repair ability
- Maintain skin elasticity and firmness
- Prevent blood clotting
- Eliminate toxins especially those coming from pollution.
- It's molecular structure is small, thus seaweed is able to prevent blood clotting.
It’s high antioxidant and high phytochemicals plant food. When these 6 powerful plant merge together, it create food synergy! It help our body to self-produce large amount of collagen.
In short, Oxyginberry keep our children not easily fall sick, even they fall sick they able to recover faster. They have good memory, high attention span that help them better concentration and absorption.
For men, stay alert, provide vitality and stamina, able to handle work stress more efficiently and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease as it can helps to regulate sugar level and blood pressure, thereby reducing health risk.
When it comes to collagen, how much do you know of collagen?
See below for benefits of collagen:
- give skin its strength & elasticity
- strengthen bones & prevent osteoporosis
- enables eyes to see and the cornea to retain transparency
- helps muscle cells to join together and imparts elasticity and shine
- protects and strengthens internal organs
- protects blood vessel walls
- prevent cancer metastasis
All in all, Oxyginberry nourishes from head to toe, from in to out.
It's a very good nourishment especially at any age (Men, women, small children, elderly, pregnant ladies).
Oxyginberry Beverage also is perfect for anyone who:
Wants to take a
pro-active step to maintain good health, beauty and longevity
Is looking for the
ultimate antioxidant protection for the immune system to stay young and healthy
Work or study , is
the perfect solution to help improve concentration and boost memory
Wishes to detoxify
the body from the harmful effects from pollutants, smoke, alcohol, caffeine and
Desires a deep state
of rest during sleep and increased energy and vitality
Is serious about protecting
their skin and improving its appearance; to diminish signs of aging by reducing
fine lines and wrinkles
May be exposed to an
increased amount of free radicals, i.e. those who live in urban areas, smoke or
work around chemicals, exercise frequently, eat a diet of processed foods, or
has been or is still frequently exposed to sunlight.
In summary, Oxyginberry serve as a convenience and safe NI food to keep our immune system healthy and younger.
As we are not lacking on basic survival nutrients but what we need more is the disease fighting nutrients.
We can maintain / look after our health with just 1 box of Oxyginberry, isn't it a real convenience, what's more it's safe as Oxyginberry is not classified under supplement but FOOD!
As long as we nourish our best doctor in the world which is our immune system with wholesome food, we will stay healthy.
2. To tackle health problems arise thru unhealthy diet - I increase the fiber intake thru EverStay D
Now I learnt that breakfast is very important as in if we choose the correct breakfast, we can jaga our health effortlessly.
Correct breakfast means -
low in calories
high in dietary fiber
no oil or sugar added
no cholesterol
beneficial to optimal health
so my breakfast now is
Vegecolor + Everstay D :)
3. To protect our vulnerable yet extreme important LIVER - ensure you consume Orchestra daily!
As you grow
older, the progressive degeneration of thymus causes a sharp drop in the number
and types of T cells produced.
T cells is your
defence cells. It also affect B cells on producing antibodies.
Therefore, age
immune system cannot respond quickly and effectively to destroy the foreign
Most people has
fatty liver as they're age. Fatty liver
cause liver malfunction meaning can't function in top performance.
Do you know your liver is the only
organ in your body that is capable of regeneration?
A healthy liver
works as efficiently at 80 years of age as it did at the age of 20.
Ochestra contains Kumazasa , Ashitaba and Platycodon root. Orchestra
is the best products to nourish your liver.
Feel free to contact me if you want to find out more on how to protect your LO through Nutritional Immunology.