Wednesday 29 October 2014

Collagen soup?! Anyone?

Came across this advertisement when I was doing housekeeping today.

If you are currently taking collagen products, please read this.
Oxyginberry VS Replacement Collagens
For example:
a) synthetic hormone pills (sometimes introduce by doctors). Studies has shown these hormone pills actually increases risk of breast, cervical cancer. Also, chemical drugs will cause burden to our livers and kidneys.
b) animal derived protein (shark cartilage, placenta) – not easily absorbed by our body. Collagen from animals cannot substitute human’s collagen.
See the below link to learn more about replacement collagen:

High antioxidant and phytochemical plant-based diet - can only help our body to self produce collagen!
Most importantly, one must realize collagen in each person’s body is unique. They are different from human to human. We can’t replace our collagen by using other people’s collagen. What more animal derived collagen? The collagen our body needs must be produced by our body itself. What we can do is we can stimulate our body to produce collagen by nourishing our body with high antioxidants and phytochemicals nutrients like those found in the OB.
All in all, Oxyginberry nourishes from head to toe, from in to out.
It's a very good nourishment especially at any age (Men, women, small children, elderly, pregnant ladies).
Oxyginberry is perfect for anyone who:
·      Wants to take a pro-active step to maintain good health, beauty and longevity

·       Is looking for the ultimate antioxidant protection for the immune system to stay young and healthy

·      Work or study, is the perfect solution to help improve concentration and boost memory

·      Wishes to detoxify the body from the harmful effects from pollutants, smoke, alcohol, caffeine and drugs

·      Desires a deep state of rest during sleep and increased energy and vitality

·      Is serious about protecting their skin and improving its appearance; to diminish signs of aging by reducing fine lines and wrinkles

·      May be exposed to an increased amount of free radicals, i.e. those who live in urban areas, smoke or work around chemicals, exercise frequently, eat a diet of processed foods, or has been or is still frequently exposed to sunlight.
One important thing to note is that collagen cannot be supplemented. We can only rely on our body to produce it's own collagen. Eating the right plant food will help- but not those collagen fr chicken feet, pork knuckles, etc.:)
 We are what we eat, be a wise consumer, eat well.

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