Tuesday 1 July 2014

JY has cow's milk protein allergy

As we don't have any cow's milk protein allergy history in both my and my husband family, that's why we took 4 months to discover this problem on JY.

She had rashes on her face, neck and even in her ear few days after she was born. I tried all means and ways to tackle her rashes problem i.e. stopped post-natal malay massage (thought might be allergic to the oil), changed her bedsheets every two to three days, brought her to visit n-times of PD - from heat rash to fungal infection - ended up with endless steroid cream - however it doesn't help at all.

Only till when I visited a PD in my hometown, the PD suggested it might be food allergy which never ever cross my mind before as we don't have such history before. As i was still breastfeeding that time, so i headed PD advice and stopped drinking milk, guess what? Jiaying's rashes were noticeable subsided alot!

Remember it can take 10 days to 3 weeks to eliminate cow's milk protein from your body, so JY's rashes took about 2 weeks to fully subsided. However, her rashes has turned into eczema problem on her neck, wrists, ankles, crease between buttock and legs.

I can understand the tough journey of  parents with eczema problem children, as i was one of them before. For example, they tends to be fussier as irritation from eczema, and sometimes even disturb their sleep. We   have to say no to any dairy contain food, but unfortunately lots of food like baby cereal, biscuit do contain traces of milk. So I can only go for organic range of baby food.

Here I would like to thanks to the science of nutritional immunology which helps solved JY's eczema problem.


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